My God. I've had one hell of a sleep.

Went to bed at around 7am yesterday, but knew that I would be waking up at some point other than when I wanted to because Laura's new bed was coming and she'd told me that I'd have to get up if I heard a knock since they'd take it back the shop if no one answered the door for it.

The knock came around 10:30am and I shot up as quick as possible to answer the door, but no one was there. There was a van outside, but not outside my house. I thought that may be the van which was delivering the bed, but it had no logos on it and I couldn't see anyone by it. I was just about to go back to bed when I heard a knock again and it was the guy from the van. Weird. Why if after knocking once and got no reply would he stick around and knock five minutes later? Obviously glad he did though.

After leaving the bed stuff in the living room, I was now feeling rather awake and decided to stay up, even though I'd only had three hours sleep. About 4pm though, I was feeling very tired so I went back to bed, with the intention of waking up around 7pm. This didn't happen.

However, around 7:45pm, my phone rang. It was Stan, asking me if I'd like to come out with him and Dave to Le Bateau's but I said no. He tried to convince me to come, but I said no. I went back to bed after that, realising that there wasn't exactly much need to get up anyway. I went back to sleep again, managing to sleep past 9 and 10pm, and all the way to 3am! That's one hell of a sleep, even for me.

So I've been awake since 3am, sitting here, designing a new portfolio for myself for my artwork, but I've not really got anything in place yet. I keep designing something, but then get very bored of how it looks very quickly so restart. I can't get something i'm entirely satisfied with. Also, I don't really have that much work that's actually display worthy. I have loads of little things that I've done over the course of five years, but I don't know if I actually want to bother displaying them or not. If I don't though, there's a hell of a lot less stuff to show off. There's certainly nothing new I could show on it either. The last piece of work I created was a few months ago now.

I've been looking around DeviantArt to see if any of the users had a nice website that I could get some inspiration from, but even that is proving hard. I've just got such a design block at the moment.

Olga emailed me. Olga is from Mainstream, which is an organisation that helps people with mental health problems get out and do stuff more. There is a display thing on in Southport in a week or two and she asked me if I'd like to come to that. I said yes, as it does sound pretty interesting, with lots of art on display, along with music and socialising. I intend to create a piece to go on display, but I've not really got any idea as to what I'd like to create. The theme of it has to be 'awakenings' apparantly. Obviously for me it'd be digital art. But like I said, my mind is blank.

I spoke to Sarah a day or two ago, after she had not been online for quite some time and I asked her why she had been so off with me when coming out of the cinema. She said that she hadn't felt well and that she had been sick in the toilets. She also said that she'd been in hospital for a day or two. She apologised for just telling me to go and said that she'd make it up to me. I didn't quite see how though, as she had a boyfriend, but she told me that she's no longer with him.

We had arranged to meet up today, but she text me saying that apparantly she's done something to her achilles tedant and can't walk. I was glad she cancelled really, since my sleeping patterns have been incredibly weird over the past 24 hours and I don't know if I could of actually made it without feeling crap anyway.

The headphones I bought in town are great. It's nice to be able to listen to music at normal volume without having to worry about waking people up.

I'll probably go back to bed again soon. I'm fed up trying to design my portfolio and there's nothing else to do.
