Went to town yesterday. Finally. Got a refund off the game I didn't want and got two different ones instead. I then went to the travel agent's, but I was too scared to go in. I have no idea why.

I stood outside, pretending to look at the prices on the window, thinking about why I wasn't going in but I couldn't really think of a good reason. Perhaps next time.

I also got lots of junk food. Junk food is good.

Sadly, neither of the new games are particularly that good. What I didn't realise, is that one is three years old and the other may well be as well. Oops.

Oh yeah, before I went to town, I stopped off at the hospital to give James that letter from the police. However, the reception wasn't open so I had to give it in somewhere else. I'm hoping that he'll get it.

That's about it.
